An AI application offering a unique journey towards self-​expression and empowerment

About Embodify

Communication and self-expression are vital parts of our lives and wellbeing. But for many, they’re a ​barrier preventing us from being our authentic selves.

The vision is for Embodify to become a magical compass for individuals experiencing these challenges ​- guiding an individual through their complex daily thoughts, feelings and emotions - and empowering ​them to creatively express themselves without judgement.

This is done by individuals:

  • Reflecting on their happenings and sensory experiences
  • Creating characters that embody these experiences
  • Integrating these characters into a story to help reframe these experiences.

We understand the significance of fostering a safe space for self-expression while also ensuring that ​parents and caregivers have the necessary insights to stay informed about the well-being of their ​loved ones. Through periodic reporting features, Embodify will provide caregivers with valuable ​updates on their child's emotional journey and experiences.

Underpinned by AI, Embodify will be designed for individuals of all verbal communication abilities.

How You Can Contribute

We are seeking insight from:

  • Autistic Individuals
  • Parents and Caregivers of Autistic Individuals
  • Anyone with a connection to Autism
  • Anyone outside the Autistic community

If this sounds like you, you can provide insight by completing our quick contact form below to arrange ​a 25 - 30 minute chat:

Alternatively, you can complete one or both of the 15 - 20 minute surveys below as they relate to you - ​or share the survey links with someone you know:

Your insight will help us turn the idea of Embodify into a reality.

About Me

I, Matthew, have experience supporting Autistic individuals with mental health challenges.

These experiences have taught me that:

  • Each day presents unique challenges
  • Existing solutions often lack accessibility and personalisation

These experiences, coupled with my passion for entrepreneurship and innovation, have led me to creating ​Embodify.

If you’d like to watch my Remarkable Launcher Pitch, you can do so here.

Whether you’re looking to share insight or are simply an interested spectator, I’d love to hear from you - ​please reach out via one of the below channels:

  • Email me at:
  • Connect with me on LinkedIn here
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